Monday, 15 July 2019

The Antioxidant Benefits of Medical Cannabis!

Today’s, the health-conscious world offers us a lot of buzzwords and “Antioxidants” is one of such terms.  Even most of the individuals are pretty sure that antioxidants benefit our health; still, many of them might not beware what actually antioxidants do! 

Antioxidants mainly ward off the dead cells and reduce the cell damage in our body, keeping our body functioning healthy. In the midst, it turns out that cannabis is brimming with them. But still, the question lingers around how one gets benefited from the antioxidant-rich cannabis?

Oxidative Stress- The Silent Cell Killer
Before diving into the antioxidant benefits of cannabis, first, it’s essential to understand how why they are needed. Oxidative stress is a natural process that occurs as we get aged; and during this phase, our body cells create energy and release a by-product known as free radicals. 

 Oxidative stress can be considered as a positive process as it allows the body to get rid of the damaged cells as well as proteins; however, this process can also cause a “snowball effect.” The free radicals steal a molecule to create another free radical, and this process continues until the body reaches an unhealthy tip point; which eventually signals the certain cells to commit the suicide.

Cannabis is Antioxidant-Rich
We all are familiar that the antioxidant-rich foods offer a healthy dose of the much-needed substances, which are the excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Hence, the antioxidants give your body a boost that it needs and you can safely add medical cannabis to that list.

It is believed that medical cannabis has the potential benefits to stave off age-related toxicity, and besides from that, CBD and THC have shown the ability to reduce neutral inflammation and enhance brain function, respectively.

If an individual is prescribed with medical cannabis, then those patients not only get adequate relief from the devastating symptoms but also experience the antioxidant effect, provided by medical marijuana.

Get the benefit of therapeutic properties of medical marijuana by obtaining the high-quality best dispensaries in LA near you from

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